When Making a Professional Move, Why Consider a Company’s Mission?

If you are looking to make a professional move, realize that you are not just committing to a job, you are committing to the company and to their mission, so be sure you can back that mission and are comfortable affiliating yourself with it. The mission should be one of the reasons you want to […]
8 Holiday Decorating Tips for the Procrastinator

These days short holiday delivery times, while not always the case, are expected. Retailers customarily offer overnight or two-day delivery. They also stoke last minute sales by offering free shipping or additional discounts. Retailers have not only encouraged the procrastinator in us but made it pay off. Technology companies have also enabled our procrastination. With […]
Is 2021 Going to Be a Good Time to Buy?

The 2020 housing market has been booming. According to Realtor.com the median price of a home in the U.S. is now $348,000, up 13% from this time last year. This sharp increase in price has been driven by several factors. Many homeowners have put off selling their house, not wanting to have people coming into […]
8 Potential Tax Benefits to Owning A Home

As 2020 comes to a close so does another tax year. For many people looking at the year-end W2’s or financial statements and seeing how much was paid in taxes is enough to launch visions of life in the Cayman Islands or some other tax haven. Assuming you are not quite ready to uproot and […]
10 Home Renovations With the Best ROI

Driven in part by the coronavirus pandemic, home renovation activity is on the rise with nationwide spending over $400 Billion a year. Many homeowners who would rather not brave a real estate world with rock-bottom inventory are choosing instead to reconfigure their current residences. But how effective is this at creating wealth? According to Remodeling […]
Increasing Your Wealth Through Homeownership

Home ownership is widely viewed as one of the best ways to accumulate wealth. According to the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, a triennial survey that collects detailed accounts of households’ finances, the median homeowner has 40 times the household wealth of a renter – $254,900 for the former compared to $6,270 for the latter. […]
How to Make Your Home Office More Zen

Since March, millions of Americans have been working from home to socially distance and limit exposure to the COVID-19 virus. While some of us will eventually go back to the office, there’s no question that today’s work environment has changed significantly. Remote work is now seen as a viable, everyday option rather than a last […]
Is Now a Good Time to Refinance Your Home?

With interest rates setting record lows, for many homeowners, now is a great time to refinance. Interest rates, however, are often just one factor that plays into a refinancing decision. Credit scores, home equity levels, job security and expected time in the home are also things to consider. In November 2018, the 30-year fixed rate […]
20 Baking Substitutions to Know When Improvising in the Kitchen

We have all had it happen. You are baking something and halfway through realize you are missing an ingredient. You do not feel like going all the way to the supermarket. What do you do? Throw in the towel and cook something else? Just leave that ingredient out? No, it is time to improvise. First, […]
Why Working for a Nimble Home Lender Is Better

Volumes are soaring due to lower interest rates and lenders are scrambling to scale their business. For larger lenders, this is proving particularly challenging. Increasingly, many borrowers are people who have been furloughed, people who have taken forbearance, or people who have had their credit history dinged due to recent unemployment. Layer on top of […]