Volumes are soaring due to lower interest rates and lenders are scrambling to scale their business.
For larger lenders, this is proving particularly challenging. Increasingly, many borrowers are people who have been furloughed, people who have taken forbearance, or people who have had their credit history dinged due to recent unemployment.
Layer on top of that, societal moves to self-employed and contract workers and you have the need for a more hands on, common sense underwriting approach that assesses the strength of each application individually. For larger lenders that have relied on technology driven processes designed for the masses the shift to a more manual process can be a large undertaking.
EMM Loans is more nimble and built to adapt to the ever-changing mortgage environment. We have already evolved our digital mortgage technology, but we never lost sight on the proactive underwriting approach, with the ability to deliver a customized process if/when needed.
A key element of our underwriting process is the ability to communicate clear expectations with the originator and for the originator, in turn , to convey clear expectations with the borrower. Once these expectations are set, it’s a matter of communicating consistently how things are evolving relative to those expectations. This ensures all are on the same page.
At EMM Loans we aim higher. You should too. The goal isn’t to just deliver on expectations, it’s to deliver beyond expectations. It’s to help the loan officer turn a customer into a raving fan, somebody that will recommend EMM Loans to other people and that they will call when they have another funding need. We view our communications as a linchpin in our ability to over-deliver. When everyone knows what is needed, and what is expected, it only takes a little more effort to create a raving fan. A little more effort is a small price to pay for a lifelong customer and something that our underwriting and support teams are willing to provide.
If you feel the same, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for people who value common sense underwriting, are good communicators and who want to help us create an army of raving fans.
Visit https://www.joinemmloans.com/ to learn more and apply today!